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Looking for something different? A wall hanging is a great way to create engaging activities for young children that will encourage creativity and imagination.

A wall hanging that is filled with colour, texture, design and shapes provoke activities that allow play and learning at the same time.

Scenic Wall Hangings have developmental benefits for any child as they depict small individual scenes that include flowers, animals, birds and insects encourage children to make up stories from their imagination which in turn benefits their

Sensory Wall Hangings for a Nursery is a must as Babies love colours and the touch of different textures and will provide an opportunity to explore fabric textures with fingers, admire bright colours and in general will approve hand-eye coordination.

Nursery Rhyme Wall Hangings are fun and give every opportunity to have a game before bedtime. Each come with a little pipe cleaner doll and finger puppets .

Each one is handmade and they are all individual, no two are the same.

Hessian backed and lined.

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